Multiple studies, published as early as 1980, suggest that CBD has minimal side effects and is overall safe for consumption. Nonetheless, consumers should be made aware of any known, potential drawbacks when consuming a product. Below, we discuss the findings from each recorded study and review on the safety and known side effects of CBD.
1980 Study in Pharmacology On January 3, 1980,Pharmacology published their findings conducted during a study in which they tested eight healthy volunteers and 15 patients with epilepsy, looking at the side effects of CBD when consumed daily for a month. Their reported conclusions were, ‘All patients and volunteers tolerated CBD very well and no signs of toxicity or serious side effects were detected on examination.’
International Journal of Neuroscience In 1986, oral doses, ranging from 100 to 600 mg per day of cannabidiol were given to 5 patients with dystonic movement disorders. In addition to recording specific benefits, this study also uncovered mild side effects of CBD such as hypotension, dry mouth, psychomotor slowing, lightheadedness, and sedation. It is also noteworthy that during this study two patients were given CBD in doses over 300 mg per day seemed to aggravate their Parkinson’s symptoms. Yet in 2014 a separate paper described how CBD significantly improves the lives of those with Parkinson’s disease.
Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol
Most recently in 2011, a review on the safety and side effects of cannabidiol, found that CBD might interfere with the hepatic drug metabolism, alteration of in vitro cell viability, decreased fertilization capacity or the reduced activity of p-glycoprotein. Have you ever been told by a doctor or pharmacist not to drink or eat grapefruit while taking a prescription medication? Grapefruit and CBD have a similar effect on P450, an enzyme found in the liver, which metabolizes different kinds of medications in the human body. If taken in large doses, CBD can inhibit the metabolizing properties of P450, temporarily neutralizing the effects of other medicinal products in the body’s system. This side effect is also responsible for why cannabidiol counteracts the effects of THC.
2006 Study Argentinian Study
In 2006 a group of scientist hypothesized that there are cannabinoid receptors in human salivary glands. In fact, their hypothesis was correct, which is most likely the reason that one of the previously discovered side effects of CBD is what’s commonly known as cotton-mouth. When CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, it inhibits the secretion of saliva, thus leaving some users with a dry sensation in their mouth.