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5 Myths About Hemp That Are Completely Wrong!

Oct 28th 2020

5 Myths About Hemp That Are Completely Wrong!

Who hasn’t heard about hemp in recent times? A hefty offering of hemp products is available for purchase from CBD oils to CBD creams and lotions--even hemp T-shirts are becoming popular. Just as there is a large selection of hemp products, there is a vast amount of hemp information available online. It’s quite easy to become misinformed and believe the following 5 myths:

Myth 1: Hemp Is Marijuana

“Hemp” and “marijuana” are often used interchangeably by the uninformed. It should come as no shock to learn that taxonomically, they’re the same. While the same species, hemp and marijuana differ in the eyes of the law. According to the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp is defined as a cannabis plant containing less than 0.3% THC. Marijuana is any cannabis plant containing more than 0.3% THC.1

Myth 2: Hemp Can Get Me High

At less than 0.3% THC, the THC found in hemp will not get you high. THC isn’t the only cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, however. Another prominent compound is CBD. Many hemp crops are grown with the primary intention of producing CBD products like CBD oil. You may be asking yourself, “does CBD oil get you high?” After all, CBD and THC are both found in the same plant, and both are believed to have health benefits. THC is psychoactive. CBD is not.2 CBD will not get you high, which is why the level of THC, not CBD, in the plant is what separates hemp from marijuana.

Myth 3: The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence Were Written on Hemp

Hemp was grown during the colonial period, and hemp paper has been used for a long time. Some founding fathers are documented to have grown hemp. The truth is that both the final copies of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were written on parchment, not hemp. Some of the working drafts of the documents may have been penned on hemp paper, as hemp paper was quite common during this time period.3

Myth 4: Hemp Oil Is CBD Oil

Hemp oil is defined as an oil derived from hemp. With this loose definition, it does not necessarily contain CBD. CBD oil is a hemp oil variant with a high CBD content. All CBD oils are hemp oils, but not all hemp oils are CBD oils.

Myth 5: There Is No Evidence That Hemp Products Are Good for My Health

It’s hard not to hear about friends or family members touting their CBD oil for pain, or using CBD for anxiety. CBD isn’t commonly prescribed by doctors, so these stories must be purely anecdotal, right? Peer-reviewed research is piling up on all of the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids, and the mechanisms behind how they work are becoming more understood. The cannabinoids found in hemp interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system to produce a variety of effects.4 Before the advent of the scientific method and modern medicine, healers were aware of the medicinal properties of cannabis. Evidence of medicinal cannabis dates back as far as 2737 BC in China.5

Bonus Myth 6: Complete Hemp Is Not Right for Me

This is an uncommon myth. At Complete Hemp, we have a wide offering of hemp products sure to satisfy anyone.

We offer:

It’s no myth that Complete Hemp will always be here for you!


  2. Meissner H, Cascella M. Cannabidiol (CBD) [Updated 2020 Jul 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-.
  4. Silver RJ. The Endocannabinoid System of Animals. Animals (Basel). 2019 Sep 16;9(9):686. doi: 10.3390/ani9090686. PMID: 31527410; PMCID: PMC6770351.