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Finally Debunking These 5 Myths about CBD Skincare

Feb 19th 2021

Finally Debunking These 5 Myths about CBD Skincare

Most probably you’ve already encountered those dismissive articles online about CBD skincare. These articles are specifically created to promote confusion and spread misinformation to somehow influence how people look at this promising compound that has been earning interest among modern scientists.

The unexpected rise in popularity of CBD skincare has caused some people to focus on blurred areas and feed on misconceptions. So, for once and for all, let us rest this case and debunk the common myths surrounding the use of CBD for skincare. With so many CBD-infused products available in your favorite beauty shops, it is about time that we clarify everything that people are saying about CBD.

Busting the Top 5 Myths About CBD Skincare

Myth #1: CBD Skin Care Products come from Marijuana.

Fact: CBD, more formally known as Cannabidiol, is derived from the hemp plant and not from marijuana. While these two are closely related as they are coming from the cannabis family, know that by law marijuana refers to those which have more than 0.3% THC. This psychoactive compound is responsible for that feeling of ‘getting high’.

But this does not hold true with CBD. It is a non-psychoactive phytocannabinoid that has a milder and more modulating effect on the endocannabinoid system which is responsible for pain, sleep, mood disorders, anxiety, and other pathologies2.

Myth #2: It is illegal to purchase CBD Skin Care Products.

Fact: After the passing of the 2018 US Farm Bill, CBD products have become fully legal to be sold and purchased in the country. It is now safe to buy legal CBD skincare products and you can now as much enjoy its overwhelming benefits to the body.

Myth #3: CBD Skin Care is a marketing scam.

Fact: Navigating your way through the numerous CBD skincare products available in the market can be tricky. Much more that there are a number of manufacturers that exaggerate claims and come up with hard-selling tactics just to sway people.

It is for this reason that it’s important to not just instantly jump into the craze. Learn to read labels and research the background of the manufacturer of the CBD beauty product that you are planning to buy. We at Complete Hemp are very much transparent in our procedures. We always make sure that all our ingredients are organic, vegan-friendly, paraben-free, and have undergone several third-party laboratory tests.

Myth #4: CBD is not effective on the skin.

While CBD is widely known to be delivered through sublingual administration (by placing a few drops of CBD oil under the tongue and allowing it to dissolve and diffuse into the bloodstream), know that there are other options of how it can be absorbed by the body.

Because of its interaction with the endocannabinoid system through the CB1 and CB2 receptors that are present throughout the body including the surface of the skin, you can experience the overall potentials of CBD by using CBD beauty products like serum,moisturizers, and the like.

Myth #5: CBD Skincare cannot help your skin look better.

Though the studies on the effects of CBD is still at an early stage, the results revealed are totally promising. That’s why researchers continue to work to learn more of the many benefits it could bring to the body.

Big skincare and cosmetics brands are also banking on these studies that’s why they have already infused CBD to a number of their products knowing how well it works with organic compounds that hydrates, nourish, cleanses, and rejuvenates the skin.

Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the health benefits of CBD skincare just because of the myths that other people are spreading. Stay informed and always read from legitimate sources. Learn more about CBD in our articles here.


1 Sean D McAllister, Liliana Soroceanu, Pierre-Yves Desprez. The Antitumor Activity of Plant-Derived Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoids. DOI: 10.1007. PMID: 25916739

2 Jamie Corroon, Jake F Felice. The Endocannabinoid System and its Modulation by Cannabidiol (CBD). PMID: 31202198